Fighting with pistol while injured

"You're not dead until a paramedic or doctor declares you dead, or you feel yourself leaving your body and you are heading to a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Until then, keep fighting! You are only injured, and not dead."

Videos from actual shootings in the U.S. show us that you can be shot in the hands or arms while defending your life. If one of your hands or arms is partially or fully out of action, could you still fight and win the confrontation? It has been proven many times that you can win with only one arm/hand working if you know how. This class will show you how to shoot, reload and clear malfunctions while only using one hand.

Equipment: pistol or revolver, strong belt, holster, at least one magazine pouch, two or more magazines 250 rounds of ammunition. Revolver shooters need speed strip or speed loader.
Length: 4 hours
Price: $ 150.00